The All Academic Team will be presented at the M.V.C.A. Senior Showcase.
M.V.C.A. uses the following criteria to select from the nominees for the M.V.C.A. 1st & 2nd All Academic Teams:
- Player must be a senior or junior graduating early
- Player must be in good standing with school and community (no legal issues)
- Player must be a full time varsity player
- 1st team members must carry a 3.6 cumulative average or better in college preparatory classes (at the end of their junior year). They must also be actively involved in a non-sport extracurricular activity. 2nd team must carry a 3.25 GPA and does not need a extracurricular activity.
- The coach must submit players names with a letter from their guidance department (on school/guidance dept. letterhead) certifying player (s) meet requirements for 1st or 2nd team.
Send nominations to president of the M.V.C.A. or use this nomination form.
2013 All Academic Team
1st Team: Hallye Anderson (Gorham), Madeleine Anderson (Yarmouth), Keirstin Barker (WA), Amanda Barnett (Cape), Julia Beatty (Yarmouth), Kristina Borderia (Yarmouth), Allie Bowe (Cape), Lavren Carter (Gorham), Mary Cleary (Scarborough), Madeline Cook (MDI), Jordan Copp (Greely), Bailey Cote (Biddeford), Francessca Couture (Narraguagus), Whytne Crabtree (Sumner), Judie Derby (Greely), Courtney Given (Scarborough), Anna Goldstein (Cape), Elizabeth Gove (WA), Aubry Greg (Cape), Amy Guburd (Scarborough), Chelsea Holmes (WA), Brettany MacFarland (Cony), Madelynne Maierhofer (Yarmouth), Emma Mairhofer (Yarmouth), Grace Mallet (Yarmouth), Sophie Moore (Cape), Emma O’Rourke (Cape), Brigitte Parady (MDI), Kaija Petrone (Greely), Kathryn Reynolds (Yarmouth), Phoebe Robinson (Biddeford), Lizzie Roche (NYA), Delani Roy (Biddeford), Kassidy Seeley (WA), Victoria Small (Gorham), Sarah Stacki (Cape), Sarah Young (Sumner)
2nd Team: Meredith Clark (Greely), Lilly Dearing (NYA), Natalie Foster (Scarborough), Devon Gloensky (Cony), Melissa Haung (Calais), Wildes Ho (MDI), Sohyun Jeon (NYA), Deandra Kanu (MDI), Charlene Landry (Gorham), Abby Lathem (Yarmouth), Paige Lemieux (Gorham), Maddison Lengyel (Cape), Adela McVicar (NYA), Abby Mills (Scarborough), Hallie O’Donnell (Scarborough), Lauren Piper (Scarborough), Erin Quirk (Scarborough), Jasmine Ross (Calais), Margaret Russell (Cony), Michaela Weeks (Greely), Daisy Zhang (WA)
2012 All Academic Team
1st Team: Vanessa Blair-Glantz (Cape Elizabeth), Olivia Cooper (Cape Elizabeth), Bethany Elwell (Cony), Abigail Homer (Ellsworth), Laney Evers (Falmouth), Maria Guerra (Falmouth), Morgan Larrabee (Falmouth), Shannon Mesrve (Falmouth), Nicole Rogers (Falmouth), Emily Seaver (Falmouth), Jenna Serunian (Falmouth), Grace Eaton (Gorham), Sabrina Rowell (Gorham), Elizabeth Bouchard (Greely), Margaret Bradley (Greely), Eleanor Weickert (Greely), Desiree Beal (Jonesport Beals), Robbi Carver (Jonesport Beals), Haley Toppin (Narraguagus), Jae Jeon (NYA), Jessica Powers (NYA), Soo Kyung Park (NYA), Cathy Li (NYA), Anna Lyden (NYA), Hannah Harmatz (NYA), Rachel Webber (Scarborough), Meghan McAlary (Scarborough), Ryan Hood (Woodland), Brittani Roussel (Woodland), Morgan Cahill (Yarmouth), Suzanne Driscoll (Yarmouth)
2nd Team: Ashley Reynolds (Calais), Kayla Snider (Calais), Mali Soctomah (Calais), Katie Cavanaugh (Cape Elizabeth), Emily Mitchell (Cape Elizabeth), Julie Arbour (Cony), Alli Chase (Cony), Taylor Hansen (Gorham), Vicki Parker (Gorham), Emily Sampson (Greely), Hannah Tardif (M.D.I.), Marina Gilpatrick (M.D.I.), Julia Christie (M.D.I.), Dylan Stillman (M.D.I.), Rachel Matson. (NYA), Brittany Bona (Scarborough), Amber Bowen (Scarborough)
2011 All Academic Team
1st Team: Vanessa Blair-Glantz (Cape Elizabeth), Olivia Cooper (Cape Elizabeth), Bethany Elwell (Cony), Abigail Homer (Ellsworth), Laney Evers (Falmouth), Maria Guerra (Falmouth), Morgan Larrabee (Falmouth), Shannon Mesrve (Falmouth), Nicole Rogers (Falmouth), Emily Seaver (Falmouth), Jenna Serunian (Falmouth), Grace Eaton (Gorham), Sabrina Rowell (Gorham), Elizabeth Bouchard (Greely), Margaret Bradley (Greely), Eleanor Weickert (Greely), Desiree Beal (Jonesport Beals), Robbi Carver (Jonesport Beals), Haley Toppin (Narraguagus), Jae Jeon (NYA), Jessica Powers (NYA), Soo Kyung Park (NYA), Cathy Li (NYA), Anna Lyden (NYA), Hannah Harmatz (NYA), Rachel Webber (Scarborough), Meghan McAlary (Scarborough), Ryan Hood (Woodland), Brittani Roussel (Woodland), Morgan Cahill (Yarmouth), Suzanne Driscoll (Yarmouth)
2nd Team: Ashley Reynolds (Calais), Kayla Snider (Calais), Mali Soctomah (Calais), Katie Cavanaugh (Cape Elizabeth), Emily Mitchell. (Cape Elizabeth), Julie Arbour (Cony), Alli Chase (Cony), Taylor Hansen (Gorham), Vicki Parker (Gorham), Emily Sampson (Greely), Hannah Tardif (M.D.I.), Marina Gilpatrick (M.D.I.), Julia Christie (M.D.I.), Dylan Stillman (M.D.I.), Rachel Matson. (NYA), Brittany Bona (Scarborough), Amber Bowen (Scarborough)
Past Years All Academic Teams:
1st team: Heather Cramer (w.a.), Abby Marstaller (greely), Becca Allen (bucksport), Ashley Haskins (bucksport), Katie Dyer (m.d.i.), Ashley Cough (m.d.i.), Megan Lord (woodland)
2nd team: Starr Look (jonesport beals), Meagan Cates (m.d.i.), Rachel Russell (m.d.i.), Ashley Freeman (gorham), Elizabeth Arcaro (gorham), Leya Laverierre (biddeford), Brooke Perry (biddeford)
1st team: Megan Woodruff (woodland), Nicole St.Peter (woodland), Sally Hoops (woodland), Lauren Mansir (cony), Kaitlin Wheeler (biddeford), Heather Ganter (biddeford), Stephanie Mantis (biddeford), Megan McGinley (calais), Danielle O’Brien (calais), Jessica Whitaker (calais), Aylie Baker (yarmouth), Caroline Simms (yarmouth), Megan Dean (yarmouth)
2nd team: Leah Grotten (scarborough), Michelle Robb (greely), Bethany Carle (greely), Britany Porter (w.a.), Samantha Coe (cony), Elizabeth Squires (cony), Sarah Beal (jonesport beals), Whitney Beal (jonesport beals), Alexandra Brunelle (yarmouth), Alexandra Hyde (yarmouth),
1st team: Brittany Fleury (gorham), Anastasia Miliano (gorham), Meghan Poulin (gorham), Brianne Records (m.d.i.), Mackenzie Lee (m.d.i.), Lauren Smith (m.d.i.), Lynne Bowden (m.d.i.), Nia Meguier (m.d.i.), Brienna Tinker (m.d.i.), Robin Dilley (m.d.i.), Michelle Ferry (woodland), Chantel Tourigny (biddeford), Erin Cotton (biddeford), Michelle Gagnon (biddeford), Alicia Fickett (naraguagus), Jamee Robinson (naraguagus), Michelle Pelletier (bucksport), Elizabeth Whittmore (yarmouth), Stephanie Stoddard (scarborough), Kimberley Stoddard (scarborough)
2nd team: Amanda Gray (greely), Amy Young (greely), Dani Netland (greely), Rachel Poulin (greely), Caitlin Laverriere (biddeford), Emily Regis (biddeford), Missy Gouin (biddeford), Kaileigh Deacon (calias), Katelyn Peakall (calais), Stephanie Ramsey (calais), Emilynne Bell (m.d.i.), Karen Mcgarr (m.d.i.), Samantha Cobb (w.a.)
1st team: Amy Harrison (m.d.i.), Kassandra Beaudoin (m.d.i.), Kelsey Holmes (jonesport beals), Rachel Church (jonesport beals), Tina Bell (jonesport beals), Sarah Cummings (biddeford), Lindsey Mingo (calais), Jeannine Stover (calais), Jacqui Orio (cony), Anna Hall (cony), Kristi Violette (cony), Logan Kinney (gorham), Tessa Churchill (greely), Jessica Putnam (ellsworth)
2nd team: Eliza Worrick (m.d.i.), Merideth Cherry (machias), Stephanie Whitman (machias), Amber McIver (calais), Alena Marshall (calais), Cassandra Cooper (cony), Dominique Lissimore (gorham), Molly Northway (greely), Lauren Kinney (greely), Kristen Biskup (greely), Allison Scott (greely)
1st team: Carrisa Tinker (m.d.i.), Erica Zambello (greely), Sarah Lockhart (greely), Sarah Markoon (ellsworth), Joanne Mahar (w.a.), Lindsey Hansen (gorham), Jessica Portlock (gorham), Monique Goodwin (bucksport), Bonnie Hoops (woodland), Melanie Strout (m.d.i.), Mariah Grover (m.d.i.), Kayla Binette (biddeford)
2nd team: Charlotte Royce (m.d.i.), Salima Al-Alwi (greely), Linda Monroe (greely), Katie Lutz (calais), Danielle Drapeau (biddeford), Brittany Alley (jonesport beals), Vanessa Maclean (jonesport beals), Ashley Noyes (w.a.), Cali Anthony (woodland), Samantha Woodruff (woodland), Abagail Trott (woodland), Athena Beaulieu (Gorham)